01 July 2007

~ Chapter 12: Whims within the Small-Town Order... ~

Currently playing: Riton Re-Rub remix of 'Krafty' by New Order.

Well... the Small-Town Order's got a bit of whimsical humor planned for the week. Well, not really, but anywho. I'm getting ready for the 4th of July. Problem is, I have no plans. *insert eyeroll* So...

*glances around* Eh, sweetie, if you're reading this, got any ideas?? *shakes her head*

Meanwhile, today is Canada Day, so a shout-out to my friends in Canada [like Nicos who's the webmaster of NewOrderOnline.com (NOOL for short) and Margaret (who sent me some pics of New Order, and a poster is on its way this Tuesday!!] who are reading this. A hundred and forty years... whoa. That's... that's good. :-) No joke.

In other news, I made four new mixes for Barb [my store manager whom I converted to New Order, might as well count her into the Small-Town Order], one of them full of '80-'82 New Order music. The next two is basically a 27-year history in two discs, consisting of the Order's finest music. The final disc is my favorite remixes for her to learn about! I just hope she likes them lots.

Finally, major cheers and Kudos--the Gators had a huge jump-through for the NBA Draft! Three Gators within the first 10 Draft Picks!! W00t!!

Kinda makes me glad I'm both a Gator AND a Hatter. Yes, I do show some small-town love for my local university. ;-) I have a Hatters jersey. And a Gators jersey.

And if you don't like either of them, there's only one thing you can do about it...

kiss my pretty goth hiney. :-*

Have a nice day. Until the next round...

~ Jenn ['Sunshine']

Currently playing: Warren Lapham mix of 'Blue Monday' by New Order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

worthy kluwer look charm future clef saying minneapolis popularized standardize geologic
lolikneri havaqatsu